Here at Planteria, Our values underpin who we are, why we do what we do, and what makes us so unique. We do much more than supply plants for businesses; we care about our clients and colleagues and have a real passion and drive for what we do.

Learn more about what matters to us.


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• We all win when Planteria wins. We smash targets, beat records, streamline processes, and cut waste.

• We understand Planteria’s journey and we each play our part in getting there.

• We focus on team and customer needs, and don’t feed our egos.

• We exceed individual effort and get there faster together, through honest and transparent collaboration.

one team
one team
humble and confident


• We believe in ourselves and the team and act with courage.

• We celebrate the contribution of others – you don’t need to blow your own trumpet.

• We bring passion and determination to the team but leave the ego at the door.

• We do what’s right at the time, even when no-one is looking

Humble and confident


• We think outside the box, strive for efficiencies and challenge industry standards.

• We remain grounded, open to feedback and committed to continuous learning and growth.

• We embrace and champion positive change, cut complexity and keep things simple.

• We can make mistakes – but we learn fast and don’t blame others.

relentless to improve
relentless to improve
positive and energetic


• We find solutions not problems – ‘can-do’ attitude

• We have a growth mindset and a bias for action.

• We value substance over style – production then perfection

• We bring the sunshine with us!

positive and energetic


• We create WOW moments in everything we do.

• Our small acts of unexpected kindness create powerful impacts and are never wasted.

• Our speed stuns – fast responses, fast quotes, fast solutions, fast reporting.

• We keep our promises and stick to deadlines.

create wow
create wow