The word Biophilia meaning Bio (life) + Philia (the love of something) refers to the concept that human beings thrive when they are connected to nature and the natural living world.
Many studies have been made over the past few decades which support this theory, and show that Biophilic Design (including natural elements into Design and architecture) is highly beneficial with direct positive impacts on health and wellbeing, productivity, creativity, healing rates, value perception, staff retention and decreased absenteeism. One study by the University of Oregon found that 10% of employee absences could be attributed to architectural elements that did not connect with nature, and that a person’s view was the primary predictor of absenteeism. We work closely with Designers and Architects, Office and Facilities Managers to include biophilic elements for offices and commercial spaces. Recommending innovative planting ideas for your unique situation, and making your vision become a reality, we take into consideration your environment and lighting levels to find the best plant specimens that will thrive and add beauty.