Where are you right now? Whilst some are working from the office, others are working from home. Where ever you are, you’ll likely agree that your environment is very important, perhaps now more than ever. That’s not surprising when you consider that your environment plays a big part in impacting your frame of mind.
The World Happiness Report 2020 concludes that globally, there is evidence suggesting that being exposed to green natural environments improves mental well-being, reducing stress, increasing positive emotions and cognitive restoration.
The report goes on to say that “The health benefits of green, natural environments may also have an indirect positive impact by encouraging certain behaviours, for example, physical health and longevity, and thereby happiness”. Given that most of us spend around 90% of our time indoors and with restrictions on socialising because of Covid19, and the winter coming, this is not likely to reduce, we seriously need to think about how to include some nature into our indoor environments both at home and in the office (which may be the same place!).
One of the easiest ways to add some greenery to your life is with houseplants. We take a look at our TOP FIVE plants, those that are most loved and coveted by our Corporate Clients. The great news in that these plants work just as well in the home as they do in the office!
Ficus Lyrata
This is a beautifully tall, majestic plant with large oval deep green leaves, also called a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Could it be the ‘INNEST’ plant of 2020? This is the plant featured in every interior design magazine.
Don’t be put off owning one of these as they only require a moderate amount of attention. Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out between water applications, and go easy, don’t let the plant to sit in water as they are susceptible to root rot if they stay to wet. Originating from the tropics, misting the leaves every couple of days will provide a good amount of humidity for this plant to thrive.
Monstera Deliciosa
Another stunner with an equally wonderful name! This plant originates from the rainforests of Southern Mexico and is most commonly known as a ‘Cheese Plant’ due to the holes in its distinctive green leaves. This is a favourite with our clients for providing real impact and is often used in a cluster of 3 mixed plants in a corner of a board room or reception.
Easy to care for, water every week or so allowing the top soil to dry out before watering, and mist regularly to create a humid environment.
This pretty, frondy plant, looks great hanging up or on a desk or coffee table. It has become a real favourite with our clients as the trend for accessory planting has grown. This trend is all about using planting as an integral part of the design scheme, using a large amount of planting arranged in racking or on shelving, featuring containers that pick out the accent shades of soft furnishings.
Also known as ‘Mistletoe Cactus’, Rhipsalis has fast-growing bright green tendrils. Originating from the rainforests of central and south America, this plant will add a tropical feel to your home, and as an added benefit, it’s a great air purifier.
Rhipsalis is easy going and needs a light touch on the watering. Don’t over-water and always check soil moisture levels first. The top 2 inches of soil should be dry before any additional water is applied, usually once every 1.5 weeks depending on light and room temperature levels.
Ficus Benjamina Tree
Ficus ‘Benjamina’ is one of over 800 species of Ficus, this evergreen plant is relatively easy to care for if positioned in the right location. Commonly nicknamed ‘Weeping Fig’ for its long drooping branches and clusters of small oval shaped leaves, this plant will add a jungle feel to any home.
Benjaminia needs a little more t.l.c, give her regular watering, again a good rule to follow is to check the top 2 inches of soil before watering, allow this to dry out between water applications, but do not allow your plant to sit in water as she is susceptible to root rot. Mist once a week with filtered water to replicate a humid environment and do not allow to dry out completely.

Calathea Medalion
Calathea ‘Medallion’ is another favourite of our clients. We often plant this with other mixed plants of a similar size to provide a real jungle feel in cabinet top planters or troughs. It is equally as lovely on its own, with its large, oval shaped leaves and distinctive green purple and pink variegation, this plant is a real showstopper. The common saying “to turn over a new leaf” is thought to originate from the Calathea, as their leaves close up at night and re-open in the morning.
Calathea is fairly easy to keep, make sure the soil is evenly moist and do not allow to completely dry out, water once a week after checking the moisture levels. The top 1 inch of soil should be dry before adding water, mist leaves once a week and never use leaf shine.
We hope we have inspired you to think about hiring some office plants, or even enjoying a bit of greenery by getting some plants for your home office!
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